At a Clinton rally in Waco, TX, Wesley Clark inferred that because Hillary happened to be in the White House while important decisions were being made, she is prepared to be President. I guess that means that every staffer and visitor that has ever happened to be in the White House while an important decision was made is now completely prepared to lead the country. Man, I better get over to the White House for a visit so I can start a very promising political career.

Wait a minute . . . what are the chances that Dubya would actually be doing anything important during my visit? Maybe this brilliant plan is doomed.

Probst for President 2016!

Via CNN Political Ticker

By now, I’m sure many of you have seen the new ad from the Clinton campaign spreading fear across the country by showing sleeping children with the phone ringing in the background saying that Clinton is the only one that can save your children from the terrible ringing phone.

But who’s really going to pick up the phone? Well, my man Barack Obama of course.

Check out the Obama campaign’s response. I think Barack wins this argument hands down.

Via Obama HQ.

Another new look? Yep, I spent some time this weekend changing to a new theme. I wanted something cleaner and modern, and I think I found what I was looking for. The new theme is called Neoclassical and was designed by Chris Pearson. The images at the top of the page are pictures that my wife and I have taken over the years, and they rotate randomly as people view the site.

I would really like to hear from everyone out there to see what you like and dislike about the new look. Please leave your comments on this post so I can make Probstisms better and more appealing for everyone.

Thanks for reading!

I saw a great video over on Andy Ihnatko’s Celestial Waste of Bandwidth this morning by Phil Plait, the author of Bad Astronomy Blog.

In the video, Phil explains what is happening with the spy satellite that is slowly crashing to Earth. For reasons that he mentions in the video, the US government has decided to blow the satellite to bits before that happens. After seeing the video, I don’t want this thing crashing anywhere near where I live.

Check out this incredibly well done video when you have a chance.

Last night’s primaries in Wisconsin and Hawaii were Barack Obama’s 9th and 10th victories in a row. I don’t know about you, but that’s one heck of a winning streak if you ask me. Barack is certainly on a roll, and his message of hope and change seems to be reaching people. What’s funny to me is that the Clinton campaign is pretty much ignoring that any of these victories (or losses in her case) have even occurred. The people are speaking very clearly now, and they’re saying that they want someone that will inspire us to all do and be better than we are today, and that’s what I call a great leader.

Tomorrow’s debate from Texas should be quite telling. Will it be the love fest that we saw in the last debate? I highly doubt it. Hillary will go after Barack with everything she’s got, and she will look like a desperate fool in front of the enter country (and world). I still hold out hope that it will be a debate of ideas, but I fear that it will turn personal and very ugly. I’m sure we’ll all be watching to see what happens.

Barack ‘n’ Roll, baby!