For the third consecutive national election, we will be hosting a watch party here at Probstisms: The Probstisms National Election Watch Party 2012!

Come join the fun with your friends and enjoy threaded comments and the ability to post to Facebook and Twitter to bring even more of your friends to the party.

Keep the comments on the up and up. I reserve the right to delete disrespectful comments.

Have fun and enjoy the election!

From time to time, I receive colorful email messages through the contact form on my website.  Ever since Tim Probst of Washington State ran to represent his state in the Washington State Legislature, I get some messages for him too.  It is amazing to me that people write these types of messages on my site without even thinking that perhaps there is more than one Tim Probst in this world.

Representative Probst has a nice official page, and his email address, phone number, and physical address are presented in the sidebar towards the top of the page. It appears Representative Probst can be easily reached by his constituents who take the time to actually figure out how to contact him.

Tonight’s email is one of the best yet, and I have to share it.  This message comes from S. Roberts who supposedly can be reached at  Just for the sake of being thorough, I performed a WHOIS search on, and it happens to be registered to Accenture Global Services Limited.  I’m sure Accenture will be proud to know they have such a well written employee on staff.

So, here, in its entirety, is the email I received from S. Roberts on Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 11:43 PM CDT.

Your Name: s. roberts

Your Email:

Subject: Personal Invasion

Message: What gives you the right to invade my privacy again with your unwanted political B.S.? You were told before that I didn’t want nor appreciated your fucking junk mail. What part of NO don’t you understand, asshole? I didn’t appreciate the mudslinging in your mail either, this is a typical ploy that the scummy democrates always pull. Before you attack another candidate you first should take a hard serious look at your own shortcomings. For one you are a worthless incompetent piece of shit that doesn’t even comprehend the meaning of NO. Why is that, are you severely retarded, can’t read or a combination of both? For your info I have already mailed my ballot in and I didn’t vote for you asshole nor would I ever vote for you in any election. I sincerely hope that you lose, dipshit. Get the message?

Pretty nice, huh?  I especially enjoy the misspellings and poor grammar of this message.  This person cannot possibly work for Accenture, right? I have always assumed they have higher standards than this as far as intelligence is concerned.  I really feel for the politicians trying to serve their fellow man when they have to deal with this type of nonsense.

Feel free to pass this along to show your friends and family how not to communicate with another person.

My wife, Donnell, and I had the pleasure of seeing Dave Matthews Band for the second time together last night at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. The band put on an incredible show, and of all of the times I’ve seen them, I can say I have never heard them play so tightly together.

I have a few thoughts I’d like to share about the concert.

  • Having met Donnell at a concert, I can say for certain that there is nothing I like more than standing next to my lovely wife listening to a great band.
  • Jeff Coffin and Rashawn Ross proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that every rock band needs a horn section. Trumpet playing backup singers are pretty cool. 🙂
  • Rashawn used a lot of bucket mute during the show. I’m a big fan of bucket mute, and it mellowed out the sound of the horn to really fit with the songs.
  • I thought Jeff’s choice of a Preservation Hall t-shirt was excellent and fitting.
  • We had seats just left of center in the pavilion which were actually quite good. It was the closest I had been to Dave since I flew on the same plane with him to Jo’burg.
  • Why anyone thought it would be a good idea to build a music theater next to a landfill is beyond me, but at least the wafting of the sweet and salty smell of kettle corn disguised some of the stink from the landfill.

The band played one of my favorite songs, You & Me. Every time I hear it, I cannot help but think about Donnell and the kids so it’s great in my book.

Unfortunately, they did not play Donnell’s favorite song, Tripping Billies. Donnell and Kyah spent a lot of quality time together listening to this song when Kyah was very young so it would have been great to hear it last night.

And to close things out, here is one of the best quotations from the evening from Donnell, “He’s so Phillip Phillips, it’s hilarious!”


We spent some quality time at Fitz’s in The Loop for dinner last night.

On the way back to the car, I snapped a shot of Johnny B. Goode himself, Chuck Berry. I remember bouncing around the house with my guitar as a kid trying to do Chuck Berry’s moves. Yeah, I was super cool.