Republicans Take The Subterranean Road

As is said, there’s the high road, and then there’s the low road, but now we’re seeing the subterranean road. I honestly thought it could not get lower, but the Republicans have unleashed one of the most negative, fear-mongering, hate-filled, deceptive television ads I have ever seen. Apparently, John McCain decided it was time to play the Wright card. Being in Missouri, I am lucky enough to have to experience the ad over and over again. Thanks to some nice Photoshop work, they took Obama’s usual signage and replaced “Change” with “Hate.” The voice-over spews fear and hate. The intention of the ad is clear; smear Obama and hope it sticks. I haven’t thrown anything through my television . . . yet.

What really bothers me is that these types of ads still work with people. Case in point – our neighbor came over the other day and spoke to my wife for a bit. After seeing our Obama/Biden sign, she says “Barack Obama is the Antichrist” while performing the sign of the cross. Then she says “He’s been groomed.” What in the world does that even mean? How in the world do you respond to such stupidity? These are the types of people that most likely elected Bush twice. These are the types of people that will help McCain win on Tuesday if he wins. I just don’t get it.

I am writing about this to let all of you know what the McCain campaign is doing in the battleground states. He’s not offering ideas. He’s not providing solutions. He’s spreading fear and hate in the hopes that enough people like my neighbor will take the bait. I want all of you to ask yourself what kind of leader you want for our country. Do you want someone who offers solutions, ideas, hope, and change, or do you want someone who uses fear and hate to win at all costs? It is time for a new politics. It is time for a new direction. It is time for Obama and Biden to lead our country.

Obama/Biden 2008


9 responses to “Republicans Take The Subterranean Road”

  1. BigD Avatar

    Sounds like you have some “crazy” neighbors down there. Is it true that Missouri is really the dumb part of Iowa??

    I really hope you took this opportunity with your neighbor to learn about the candidates. Yesterday you wrote about turning off TV's and reading the candidates Web sites because you must like your info straight from the horses mouth. Guess what, they aren't going to tell you the bad stuff, they aren't going to tell you stuff that people do not want to hear but is the sad reality. We need to all listen to people like your neighbor, because there is a little truth in everything. We need to find that truth and then see if it effects our opinion of the candidate. In this case with your neighbor I'm sure there is something there but 99% of us can write him or her off as a nut job.

    My point being and probably the only reason I've been commenting on your blog here, is this Obama lovefest you have been spewing seems to be completely ignorant to any and all valid concerns against Obama becoming president. I also think that is what McCain and his supporters are doing right now. He's standing there with valid arguements against Obama and noone seems to care. Its kinda like the guy on the street corner with the world is ending tomorrow sign, just in this case there is a more likelyhood of some truth.So instead of dismissing these arguements like you would do to the guy on the street corner, I ask that you and others listen to these arguements and then decide. I'm sure they won't change many peoples minds, but at least you won't be an ignorant bafoon when they possibly come true.

  2. Donnell Avatar

    I've seen the rationale in the media more than once and the more I meet and greet the great citizens of Missouri, I agree with the conclusion: People will find any reason to cast a vote against Obama so long as they don't have to admit they are racist. He's the “Antichrist” (they'd rather be the crazy Christian), he's raising the deficit (even though not as much as McCain), he's “spreading the wealth” or “giving my hard earned money to people who don't work” (coming from people who are getting a tax break under Obama), he's a “celebrity” (but this didn't seem to matter when a white celebrity – Pres Reagan – ran). I've seen and heard it over and over again – they like to point out all of the reasons they WON'T be voting for Obama, but truly struggle to find a reason to vote FOR McCain. This certainly is not democracy at it's finest.

  3. BigD Avatar

    Whether your voting for something or against something it is democracy in its finest. Either way people have a choice and by watching the news it looks like the highest percentage of people are going to vote today since 1960 something. That's pretty cool, don't poo poo the system because a few people have extreme ideas that conflict with yours.

    Don't you remember Reagan was also the antichrist since his first , middle, and last name all had 6 letters.

  4. Donnell Avatar

    Say what? How is closet racism democracy at it's finest? I would hope that we can expect more from our country. I don't have a problem with people having differing ideas – of course I want my candidate to win, as does everyone. But saying that a black man with a Harvard education – something that is highly regarded in the white community – has been “groomed”, or asking “if his mom was on food stamps, how did he afford Harvard?”… c'mon! That is not democracy. That is the armpit of our country rearing it's ugly head!

  5. BigD Avatar

    I've got nothing. Don't even know what we're talking about anymore. I like my closet. It keeps my clothes safe and my underwear out of sight for the masses. You've totally presented new info about Barack that I have never heard before. I know you and I are both smart enough to take in this info, dismiss it as inmaterial and write off such people as loonies and most importantly to not be offended by such statements.

  6. Donnell Probst Avatar

    I've seen the rationale in the media more than once and the more I meet and greet the great citizens of Missouri, I agree with the conclusion: People will find any reason to cast a vote against Obama so long as they don't have to admit they are racist. He's the “Antichrist” (they'd rather be the crazy Christian), he's raising the deficit (even though not as much as McCain), he's “spreading the wealth” or “giving my hard earned money to people who don't work” (coming from people who are getting a tax break under Obama), he's a “celebrity” (but this didn't seem to matter when a white celebrity – Pres Reagan – ran). I've seen and heard it over and over again – they like to point out all of the reasons they WON'T be voting for Obama, but truly struggle to find a reason to vote FOR McCain. This certainly is not democracy at it's finest.

  7. BigD Avatar

    Whether your voting for something or against something it is democracy in its finest. Either way people have a choice and by watching the news it looks like the highest percentage of people are going to vote today since 1960 something. That's pretty cool, don't poo poo the system because a few people have extreme ideas that conflict with yours.

    Don't you remember Reagan was also the antichrist since his first , middle, and last name all had 6 letters.

  8. Donnell Probst Avatar

    Say what? How is closet racism democracy at it's finest? I would hope that we can expect more from our country. I don't have a problem with people having differing ideas – of course I want my candidate to win, as does everyone. But saying that a black man with a Harvard education – something that is highly regarded in the white community – has been “groomed”, or asking “if his mom was on food stamps, how did he afford Harvard?”… c'mon! That is not democracy. That is the armpit of our country rearing it's ugly head!

  9. BigD Avatar

    I've got nothing. Don't even know what we're talking about anymore. I like my closet. It keeps my clothes safe and my underwear out of sight for the masses. You've totally presented new info about Barack that I have never heard before. I know you and I are both smart enough to take in this info, dismiss it as inmaterial and write off such people as loonies and most importantly to not be offended by such statements.

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