John McCain’s Meet The Press Interview

I just finished watching John McCain on Meet the Press, and I have a few observations. First off, much like his appearances in the debates, he looked like a very angry and grumpy old man. Considering that he received so much criticism for the exact same thing after the debates, you would think he would present himself in a different way. What this tells me is that this is his true demeanor and personality. I don’t know about you, but I certainly do not want someone in charge of my country who acts like that, especially not now.

Another observation was that he was once again repeating lies and misinformation about Obama’s policies. Let me clarify right now. Obama did not change the threshold for tax increases from $250K to $200K. Here’s the tax plan. I’m not sure where McCain came up with that whopper, but it is not honorable, fair, or respectable to repeat lies and misinformation over and over again on the trail or in interviews. Mr. McCain, are you listening? You have not run an honorable, fair, or respectable campaign. I honestly believe you meant what you said early on in the campaign that you would do just that, but you let the same thugs that ruined your chances for election in 2000 run your campaign, and they have turned you in to something that you historically despised. It really is a shame, sir.

A final observation came from the end of the interview, and I am almost hesitant to mention it. McCain had another “senior moment” when he could not remember the names of the former Secretaries of State that are endorsing him. I’ve had those moments before, and I’ve seen many politicians forget things here and there, but in McCain’s case, it has been something that has happened enough to make me concerned that it may have something to do with his age. Let’s all be honest with ourselves. The Presidency is very likely the most stressful job on the planet. Just looking at President Clinton and President Bush, you can see how quickly relatively young men age due to the job. McCain is already 72 years old. What will this job do to someone that age? None of us know. That has to be a major concern for the electorate especially because Sarah Palin is nowhere near an acceptable choice to replace him if something were to happen.

I’m not sure what McCain intended to do with this interview, but I suspect he did not do himself any favors with the undecided voters out there. I also suspect that the performance solidified support for Obama around the country. We’re in the home stretch, and we have to keep up the pressure on McCain and the rest of the Republicans. This is shaping up to be a great year for Democrats and our country. We all need to see it through.

Obama/Biden 2008


11 responses to “John McCain’s Meet The Press Interview”

  1. BigD Avatar

    Since your an expert on this tax plan, tell me exactly what my benefit is as far as dollars are concerned(i'd like to see where the money is coming for my next vacation). Then after that please tell me how a potential head of the executive branch has legislative powers all of a sudden to push this plan through. Isn't this election about voting for a figure head and if his stamp says yes or no when various legislation crosses his desk. If they want to debate details of proposed legislation let them run for senate again not the president.

  2. Probstisms Avatar

    Big D, it sounds like you're fed up with all of the nonsense that is
    going on with the campaign right now, and I don't blame you. There is
    a lot of unnecessary chatter that is drowning out the real issues and
    challenges our country faces now and in the future.

    As far as the tax plan, you're one of the smartest guys I know so I
    know you know that I cannot tell you how Obama's plan will personally
    benefit you. Go to and enter your
    information to see an estimate for what Obama's plan will do for you.

    Honestly, all of this talk about changes to the tax code from either
    side is just a high level draft of what the final changes will look
    like. Like you mentioned in your comment, the Congress will make the
    final decisions, and hopefully everyone will be able to come together
    to make the best choices for our country.

    Every President has an agenda and a vision about where he would like
    to take the country. Let's call it a road map. That leader must find
    a way to work with the other branches of government to navigate that
    map and bring us to our destination. That's why candidates lay out
    their various plans during elections. That's the only way to know how
    the candidate thinks. For me and my family, for many reasons, I very
    much prefer the destination Obama has described. I like the way that
    road map looks.

  3. BigD Avatar


    This destination and this road map you speak off reminds me very much of a movie I've seen many times. I believe it was about a Chicago family traveling to an Utopian land called Obamaland. Of course there were many setbacks along the way(some even hilarious). But when this family finally arrived at Obamaland the movie ended with Chevy Chase shooting John Candy in the ass. Now why was this? Because Obamaland can never exist, there just isn't the money to fulfill the promises of this amusement park. Now my memory isn't that good and I might have confused parts of this great movie with something else, but in the end it's all the same. Timmy please don't shoot John Candy in the ass when you experience the big let down of Obamaland. Just warning you in advance!

  4. Probstisms Avatar

    Great comment, Big D! I needed a laugh after staring at interface
    mapping documents all day. Vacation was such a fantastic movie.

    All I can say is that I would rather have hoped and been disappointed
    than to never have hoped at all. John McCain just doesn't give me any
    reason to feel hopeful about the future under his leadership. He
    hasn't offered anything new, and the status quo is most certainly
    broken. If Obama is privileged enough to win the election on Tuesday,
    I think he will surprise all of his doubters and will help change our
    country and the world for the better. I'm not saying he can do it
    alone, but I think he has the leadership qualities to take us in the
    right direction.

    Plus, if you remember, Vacation had a very happy ending, and who
    doesn't want one of those?

  5. BigD Avatar

    I love Happy Endings but that is a different story. Here's a new story. Barack is not a socialist. I took your advise and checked out this tax plan. The dude wants to give me $1300. Then I started playing with the other variables most importantly dependents, and what did I find you ask. Well assuming you and I make the same amount of money. Me with my no kids, don't need no tax deduction gets $1300, you with going on 3? and could use some diaper money gets you guessed it $1300. Where is spread the wealth? I seem to truly make out in this deal. Maybe Barack just hates kids, I'll just call it child racism because I can. Now under the McCain plan I get nothing, perfectly fine with me, and you get something like $300 in savings. I think looking at this you should obviously see McCain has a better idea about who really needs the tax break. Sorry $300 doesn't sound like a lot but it's pobably more realistic considering our countries growing debt. So I think we can learn 3 things from this; Obama not a socialist(contrary to fox news), Obama a child racist(fact see above), Obama trying to buy an election with a tax plan(you've seen the commercials).

    Sorry I'm not done yet. You also mentioned “I'm not saying he can do it
    alone” This was part of my “figure head” comment that started this. Being President to me means being able to surround yourself with some of the brightest and most experienced people in the world to help advise you in making executive decisions. Doesn't it scare you of the talk of Oprah being an ambassador, doesn't it scare you all the questionable people the networks are pulling out of his past, most importantly doesn't it scare you that he probably owes a few people favors from his Chicago days. I can see it now Blagovich and his single digit approval rating gets a cabinet position (secretary of don't know shit). Why not? I've seen crazier things. PARTY ON!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Probstisms Avatar

    Big D, I have to admit that I am thoroughly enjoying this banter we
    have going here. The whole “child racist” thing is over the top, and
    I know you did it for theatrical effect so I'll leave that alone.
    Actually, under Obama's plan, my family will see $1,800 in tax savings
    plus potentially more with retirement savings so I guess Obama does
    have a soft spot in his heart for children. For me though, the tax
    plan is way down the list for things that make me excited to vote for
    Barack. He's incredibly intelligent, he's a great thinker, he's a
    great motivator, he's inspirational, he's a great leader, he works
    hard, he's a great decision maker, he is strong, he surrounds himself
    with insanely smart people. I could go on and on. All of these
    qualities are what I would expect out of someone I could respect as a
    leader. These are the qualities I expect of the people for which I
    work. Leadership is not something that comes with a title. It is
    something that must be earned, and in my view, Obama has more than
    earned my respect as a great leader.

    Regarding your comments about potential advisors, we both know Oprah
    and Blago will be no where near to the top of Obama's advisor lists.
    We probably see as much news from Springfield here as you do, and I
    also believe Blago is an incredibly poor executive, but I also can see
    that the leaders in the Illinois legislature are incredibly poor
    legislators. Illinois is going through a perfect storm of
    incompetence in all levels of government, and the voters will have to
    make some tough decisions to get the change that is needed to stop the

    Obama/Biden 2008

  7. BigD Avatar

    Timmy, does your wife get jealous when you talk about another man this way. Seriously though, I also have some of the same concerns about McCain as you. I also see some of the good qualities in Barack you mentioned above. And you would have to be an idiot to think this nation is on the right road at this point in time. My #1 concern right now is my slick willy radar is going off and its loud, keeps me up at night, kinda like crappy Rush songs. Obama may have you fooled but not I. One year from now we'll get together and see who was right, the loser buys dinner.

  8. Donnell Avatar

    Big D – You say, “Being President to me means being able to surround yourself with some of the brightest and most experienced people in the world to help advise you in making executive decisions.” I have one word for you: PALIN. Strike one. Secondly – $1300 vs. $300? So, you want me to vote for McCain and take home less, so you can take home even less than me? That's some definite McCain logic right there. Strike 2. You also say, “Because Obamaland can never exist, there just isn't the money to fulfill the promises of this amusement park.” Oddly enough, Obamaland will *only* cost us an additional $3.6 trillion (not including spending or program cuts) over the next decade… wait for it… McCainland will cost us an additional $5 trillion. So while both amusement parks spend more than they take in ticket sales before getting rid of a few rides, if you want to play the carnival game of “lesser of two evils” then you will be visiting Obamaland every time. Strike 3. You're out.

    Obama/Biden '08

  9. BigD Avatar

    I didn't know Donnell was such a baseball fan. Your even better at throwing around theoretical numbers. No matter what amusement park our destination is please keep in mind a democratic majority in the congress is who will have the say if it's 5 or 3.6 trillion or hopefully much less. Yes Palin is a stretch(give it a foul ball strike 1). Whoever ends up winning this election I hope gains the respect of the nation and the world. The last 12 years or so our presidents (in my mind) have really been considered a joke, especially with the press trying to tear them apart. This has to stop no matter who becomes president.

    As far as my vote today I took a lesson from the game of golf. Today the first par 5 I had 260 yards to the green with a creek in front of the green and a pond to the right. I was dreaming of hitting it on the green and sinking a putt for eagle. Sure enough I hit it solid missed the green only by two feet and the ball kicked straight right into the water. So I ended up with a bogey 6. I play golf for fun so why not dream a little. If I was playing for money you can be sure I would have played it safe, hit it short and took a shot at birdie or a sure par. I'm leaving dream chasing for the golf course. So I took the safe bet.

  10. Donnell Probst Avatar

    Big D – You say, “Being President to me means being able to surround yourself with some of the brightest and most experienced people in the world to help advise you in making executive decisions.” I have one word for you: PALIN. Strike one. Secondly – $1300 vs. $300? So, you want me to vote for McCain and take home less, so you can take home even less than me? That's some definite McCain logic right there. Strike 2. You also say, “Because Obamaland can never exist, there just isn't the money to fulfill the promises of this amusement park.” Oddly enough, Obamaland will *only* cost us an additional $3.6 trillion (not including spending or program cuts) over the next decade… wait for it… McCainland will cost us an additional $5 trillion. So while both amusement parks spend more than they take in ticket sales before getting rid of a few rides, if you want to play the carnival game of “lesser of two evils” then you will be visiting Obamaland every time. Strike 3. You're out.

    Obama/Biden '08

  11. BigD Avatar

    I didn't know Donnell was such a baseball fan. Your even better at throwing around theoretical numbers. No matter what amusement park our destination is please keep in mind a democratic majority in the congress is who will have the say if it's 5 or 3.6 trillion or hopefully much less. Yes Palin is a stretch(give it a foul ball strike 1). Whoever ends up winning this election I hope gains the respect of the nation and the world. The last 12 years or so our presidents (in my mind) have really been considered a joke, especially with the press trying to tear them apart. This has to stop no matter who becomes president.

    As far as my vote today I took a lesson from the game of golf. Today the first par 5 I had 260 yards to the green with a creek in front of the green and a pond to the right. I was dreaming of hitting it on the green and sinking a putt for eagle. Sure enough I hit it solid missed the green only by two feet and the ball kicked straight right into the water. So I ended up with a bogey 6. I play golf for fun so why not dream a little. If I was playing for money you can be sure I would have played it safe, hit it short and took a shot at birdie or a sure par. I'm leaving dream chasing for the golf course. So I took the safe bet.

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