It’s Official: Republicans Are Thieves
We’ll, it’s happened again. Once again, the Republicans have stolen something from me. First they steal the election from Gore in 2000 with the help of the judicial branch of our government. Then they manage to steal my hopes and dreams over the next four years by instituting idiotic policies. Next they steal several Kerry/Edwards signs from our front yard in the Chicago suburbs in 2004. Then they again manage to steal my hopes and dreams over the next four years by instituting idiotic policies. I am still disgusted that over half of our population voted for such incompetence after witnessing the previous four years.
Now, it’s 2008, and members of the Grand Old Party are at it again. We had an Obama/Biden sign in our front yard until some time early this morning. The same goes for our neighbors on either side of us. Our three yards were an island of hope smack dab in the middle of hillbilly hell in south Saint Louis County. Needless to say, all three signs are gone. Our property has once again been stolen from us. Guess who’s signs are still standing. You guessed it, McCain/Palin.
Am I surprised? Nope. The same thing happened with Dubya back in 2000 and 2004. Now, because of where I live, it’s hard for me to really pinpoint why someone would steal signs from our yards. Is it because Republicans lack character? For some, yes. Is it because they fear change that much? Probably, most people do. Is it because of his race? Probably. I have no doubt that Missouri will be one of the states where polls show that race played a role in the electorate’s voting preference. And these are the people that claim to be “saved!”
Regardless of their reasons for stealing the property of others, the Republicans have once again shown that they lack the character, thoughtfulness, and intelligence to lead our country. We’re dealing with an enormous lack of mental fortitude here, and apparently, this is an issue all over the country. Obama signs are disappearing everywhere while McCain signs keep on standing. It shows how hard it is to change the status quo.
You know what? Change is hard. It takes work and a little faith that things will work out. Change is not for the lazy or stupid. It is more clear than ever that we, as a country, are in desperate need for change. I believe Obama and Biden bring our best chance to move this country in the right direction by changing the way our country deals with issues here and abroad. It is time for all of us to suck it up, vote for change, and work hard with the solid leadership of Obama and Biden to make our country great again for all Americans and not just the wealthy. It’s time, America! It’s time to elect Obama to lead us in the right direction.
Obama/Biden 2008
Stop your bitch'n, Your property value probably increased once those signs were gone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quit Bitch'n!!!!!!!!!!!! It will improve you homes value.
Come on Big D! You know you're voting for Barack. You're just a little upset tonight because the Dodgers just got spanked again.
You could write SUCK on the McCain/Palin signs. Vandalism is not as bad as theft, so you'd still have the moral high ground.
You could write SUCK on the McCain/Palin signs. Vandalism is not as bad as theft, so you'd still have the moral high ground.
And You havent seen anything yet …. the bad is still to come, if republican wins, hatred towards american will increase, fear for our financial security will drive lot;s of us to move elsewhere, mccain with his accumulated anger is gonna have the nuclear buttons so close to him that will drive this nation to world war 3, and we’re going to lose cause we’re just broke and wont be able to fund our military resources, inmigrant poeple that come to this country to offer their cheap labor so we can afford to buy things cheaper aint gonna happen no longer cause this republicans and its kkk extremist groups supporting them will just scare them way, as the bones and skulls complete their mission to try to take over the world by force, as they had killed JFK and produced 911. they had strive this great nation to a disastrous and shamefull status, they had help themselves to commit the greatest fraud in human history by making middle class working individuals to carry the burden of their mistakes in wall street, mortgaging our future and that of our 2 generations to come, they had like you said stolen our dreams of living in a democratic nation in 2000 in ohio and in 2004 in florida and if we dont get together and act they had already stolen this one too in california so you know. and they talk about socialism when they dont probably know whats the real meaning of … you know id rather have a socialism than the fascism disguised as capitalism and free enterprise that the bush and his group of thieves has led this country in the past 8 years and will continue to just suck our lives dry if they win again, if i could just wish hell descend upon them, but my education, principles and humanity dont allow me to do it !
ITS TIME TO ACT …CHANGE WE DESPERATE NEED MAY COME THIS NOVEMBER 4TH ….HOPEFULLY ! …otherwise something is going to happen really bad in the us, they already bringing troops back to the us in case of an uprising …. blood will run and another civil war may come ! …our HOPE … we really outnumber just the few of them ! LOL !