Today, the New York Times posted an opinion piece from Caroline Kennedy about why she is supporting Barack Obama for President. She likens Obama’s ability to inspire hope and action to the way her father, John F. Kennedy, inspired the nation almost fifty years ago.
I’ve said this before, but I feel the same way. I feel like Obama can really change the way the country feels about itself. Just having a small glimmer of hope is all it takes for people to do great things. That is what our country needs right now – someone to bring us out of our Dubya-inspired funk and inspire us to do great, world-changing things again.
Having spent time out of the country during Dubya’s rule, I can tell you first hand that many people in several different countries think that our country is a joke and a general menace to the world as a whole. Unfortunately, this also means that its citizens (you know, people like you and me) are jokes as well. That doesn’t sit well with me especially when I need to get clients from all over the world to trust in my ability to help their businesses succeed.
Barack Obama is exactly the person we need to lead our nation to greatness in everything we do. He will heal our relationships with other countries around the world and remind them of why they once thought of the United States as the most admired country on the planet. He will inspire all of us to do great things because he knows we can do it. We will once again change the world for the better.
Super Tuesday is coming in just over a week. Get out there and vote.
Via Obama HQ.
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