Apple and NBC Having A Bit of A Spat

There has been a lot of noise bouncing around the Internet this morning that NBC has chosen not to renew their agreement with Apple’s iTunes Store. NBC had to give Apple a 90 day notice to pull out of their deal or it would have renewed automatically at the end of this year.

I’m not sure if NBC is using this as a negotiating tool or what, but it seems like an awfully dumb move on their part to pull their content from one of the largest digital media retailers in the world. I understand that all of the television and movie studios are experimenting with online delivery, but the iTunes Store is a proven model that works very well for all parties involved. Do you think that NBC would ever pull their DVD box sets out of Best Buy or Wal-Mart stores? That wouldn’t happen in a million years. iTunes Store provides a way for the studios to make money on each individual episode of their shows that they distribute freely over the airwaves. This just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.

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4 responses to “Apple and NBC Having A Bit of A Spat”

  1. Darren Avatar

    hmmmmmm maybe apple doesn’t rule the world as timmy knows it. Just maybe, NBC is putting Apple in its place!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sure NBC will make plenty of money off an old seinfeld episode even if apple doesn’t offer it on i-tunes.

  2. Darren Avatar

    hmmmmmm maybe apple doesn’t rule the world as timmy knows it. Just maybe, NBC is putting Apple in its place!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sure NBC will make plenty of money off an old seinfeld episode even if apple doesn’t offer it on i-tunes.

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