My Wife Rocks!

My wife, Donnell, has been an incredible advocate for our daughter who has a medical diagnosis of PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified). As I’m sure you can imagine, our daughter’s diagnosis translates into significant social, behavioral, and educational issues at school and at home.

Donnell has taken the lead with our daughter’s therapy and doctors’ appointments and also works with our daughter’s school to make sure she is receiving all of the services she needs to have a successful education. Donnell takes classes from the Special School District here in Saint Louis and has also become involved with the Parent Advisory Council.

On top of all of that, I am very excited to report that Donnell has been accepted into the Partners in Policymaking program. The program provides leadership training designed for adults with developmental disabilities and parents of young children with developmental disabilities. I cannot put into words how proud I am of her. I know she will do an incredible job in the program and will become an even stronger advocate for our daughter and other children with special needs. I am a very lucky man to be married to such an incredible woman.

Please join me in congratulating Donnell on this extraordinary opportunity.

Early adopting super geek, musician, father, resident tech guru.

2 Comments on “My Wife Rocks!

  1. Wow! What a wonderful compliment. I know sometimes all of the things the both of you do for Kyah seems like thankless job. It's nice to see you appreciate each other so much : ) I think that will only help Kyah in the long run : )

  2. Wow! What a wonderful compliment. I know sometimes all of the things the both of you do for Kyah seems like thankless job. It's nice to see you appreciate each other so much : ) I think that will only help Kyah in the long run : )

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