I read on TechCrunch this morning that Google Maps now provides the ability to embed the results of a Map Search, Business Search, or Directions Search in a web page without having to mess with the Google Maps API. This is a really great tool for anyone who wants or needs to show a map on a web page but does not have the technical know how to work with an API. This is very similar to the way YouTube and other video sites make it possible to show videos directly on your web page. This seems especially useful for businesses of all shapes and sizes as well as individuals who are planning parties and events.
Google really could not have made it easier to get the code to embed a map into your web page.
First, type in the location, business, or directions you need to find, and then click the Search button.
Second, click the “Link to this page” link, select the text box labeled “Paste HTML to embed in website,” and copy the text.
That’s all there is to it. You now have the code to add a map to your web page. Google has also provided the ability to change the size of the map with presets for Small, Medium, and Large as well as an option to enter a custom width and height. The custom option provides the greatest control over the map so you can really make it blend in well with your site.
With this new functionality, Google has provided another great free service for all of us to use.
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