I’m Sold on Lia Sophia

As many of you already know, my wife, Donnell, has been an Advisor for Lia Sophia for just under a year now. She has steadily grown her business over the last ten months or so, and I am very proud of her. She is truly an extraordinary woman.

A few months ago, Donnell wrote an article about Lia Sophia for B-Tique, Lifestyle & Fashion. In it, she explained how Lia Sophia was different and in my view, better than other direct sales companies I’ve heard or read about. It seems that not only is my wife an awesome Lia Sophia Advisor, she’s also a great writer. I am still a little confused why she referred to me as her third child, but I’m sure she’ll explain it to me some day using small, easy-to-understand words. 🙂

Anyway, check out her article when you have a chance. I think you’ll be sold on Lia Sophia as well.

If you’re interested in Lia Sophia, contact my wife through her website.


2 responses to “I’m Sold on Lia Sophia”

  1. Daphne Avatar

    She did such a great job — still very grateful for her excellent article! Thanks, Donnell!

  2. Daphne Avatar

    She did such a great job — still very grateful for her excellent article! Thanks, Donnell!

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