The One-Post-A-Day Challenge

Well, it’s finally come down to this. I have been trying to motivate myself to write more in my blog about everything that is going on around me, but my posts continue to be few and far between. Now I am putting my intentions out here for all to see. I plan to write at least 31 posts in July. That’s one post a day, and I’m already a few days behind. Now, I may not post every single day, but I expect myself to have added 31 new posts by the end of the month. The reason I’m writing this is so people out there can keep me honest. If you see me slipping, send me a comment and let me know about it. I’m going to need your help to make this happen. Maybe by the end of the month, I will have hit my groove with this writing thing. Wish me luck!


One response to “The One-Post-A-Day Challenge”

  1. Challenge Wrap-Up…

    July is over, and it’s time to look back and see how I did on my self-imposed one-post-a-day challenge. Unfortunately, I didn’t quite get there in July, but I did post thirteen times. That’s six more posts than I’ve ever pos…

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