Everyone in the #StLouis area should have concern that the ability to recycle may soon be compromised. Take some time when throwing recycling into your bin to make sure it is as dry and debris-free as possible. https://t.co/QWuGVrL26z

Created: September 02, 2018 at 09:44AM
Original Link: http://twitter.com/Probstisms/status/1036263678490955776

I have lived in several states and traveled the world and have never found a radio station as perfect as 93XRT in Chicago. It’s one of those stations you can listen to all day without wanting to switch channels. Check it out on https://t.co/ylWgcGOANa. https://t.co/ypdGuRF8Td

Created: August 29, 2018 at 07:29PM
Original Link: http://twitter.com/Probstisms/status/1034961201279770626

“The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.” –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow https://t.co/V8JXpDHMbm

Created: August 20, 2018 at 06:58PM
Original Link: http://twitter.com/Probstisms/status/1031692023697432583

Less than 30 minutes until the 3rd Quarter #ACBS Business Intelligence Working Group Meeting! Looking forward to catching up with clients and sharing product news and tips and tricks on how to more effectively use our products. #FISGlobal

Created: August 15, 2018 at 09:41AM
Original Link: http://twitter.com/Probstisms/status/1029739888994869248